Looking for creative and memorable senior class t-shirt ideas? The idea of senior class t-shirts is twofold. Firstly they are worn to distinguish and celebrate the graduating class. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the apparel is a keepsake and reminder of, hopefully, good friends and good times.
Senior Class Shirts Ideas
The best way to choose a senior shirt design is by collaborating with your classmates and request them to submit designs. These designs can be pooled and used to spark a final design that everyone can agree on. The designs must bear in mind that they are a reflection of the school and will be publically identifiable. In recent years, there have been many designs following a theme or set in a genre of popular culture.
The overarching goal of a design should be to encapsulate the grade 12 (high school senior) spirit. This can be done in a number of ways, including using internet emojis, the school motto, or even the school song. Below are some ideas and themes to trigger your creative genius.
Stick People Seniors
Get creative with a fun and personal design, have each senior draw a stick man/girl drawing of themselves. Alternatively, have them create a stickman drawing of all their faces with names written stick-style underneath. Each student should try to add something to their stick people that is unique. For example, it could be a scarf, cap, button, football, pompom, homecoming crown, or unmistakable hairstyle. The drawings can be printed all over the shirt or in bands around the shirt. Another idea would be to design two stick characters or a mascot that will represent the class for that year.
@Social Media #
Social media is a gold mine for creative and trendy ideas, ranging from funny slogans to hashtag ideas. Encourage seniors to create personalized hashtags for themselves or hashtags with words that describe how they feel about their school and classmates. Scour apps like Instagram and Facebook for funny memes that can be used to represent students or groups of students.
Another idea is to hijack a popular advertising campaign and morph it into a school seniors’ campaign. Advertising campaigns often have catchy buzz words or phrases. Therefore, appropriating or rather misappropriating those is a great way to create a class slogan or saying. Hashtag- seniors. # got it?
Pop Culture
Incorporating pop culture references is a fun way to make your senior shirt stand out. Everything these days can be Harry Potterfied or Mr. Beaned or Disneyfied. Popular TV programs like American Idol, America’s Got Talent and The Voice can also be adopted as a backdrop motif or theme to add stick man characters or hashtags. Think of any other iconic TV series that was popular during the year, and morph those into a unique, custom school shirt.
Pick a superhero to represent each senior student, or have students create their own superhero. There are more than just the classic comic book superheroes to choose from. Movies such as The Hunger Games and series like Twilight can help inspire the inner hero as well. Alternatively, have seniors vote for their favorite hero and then have them create hashtags using their own “super” names.
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