Fun Student Section Themes and Chants for Games

Good games are about more than just play or strategy. Enjoyable, high-energy sports games are also about the atmosphere and mindset. This counts for the team and for the spectators who want to show players their support. Themes and chants are a great way to engage the student section. Chants add to the vibrant atmosphere of a good game and tie everyone together in a way that shows support for the institution and its team.d

Fun Student Section Themes and Chants for Games

A History Of Themes And Chants

We’ve had themes and chants for almost as long as we’ve had different sports. So, why are themes and chants considered such an important part of sports?

Themes add to the atmosphere, and chants help encourage both the players and spectators. It wasn’t uncommon for themes and chants to be present at games – even in more ancient times!

Today, high school and college teams have their own chants. There are also classic chants and themes, like “Go Team!” that we almost all know.

There’s a lot of competition – and not just on the field! Fans everywhere are competing to see who can come up with interesting themes and chants for their favorite teams.

Why Do Student Sections Use Themes And Chants?

Game themes get everyone in on the action, and they can be as much fun as any convention or party. Choose from popular culture and you can’t go wrong: you can find inspiration for suitable themes almost anywhere.

  • What’s the most popular movie this season?
  • What are themes that can unite students?
  • Which themes can include everyone and still be a great talking point until the next game?

Ask for student participation when deciding on chants and game themes, or put it to vote. Students should feel that they’re involved in the process!

Can Chants Be Copyrighted?

Sometimes, yes!

Chants specific to a team or school might be subject to copyright laws. If you’ve come up with a particular chant for your school or team, you might want to have it trademarked.

You should check chants against a search engine to see if anything similar exists. If it’s already out there, try going for a variation – or choose a different chant.

Some famous chants are fair use or public domain. In this case, feel free to add them to your student section games without worry.

Institutions are doing a lot to make sure their chants are as original as possible.

Remember: it’s all meant to be fun! Cheer with good sportsmanship and avoid disrespecting the opposing team.

Here are some of the best student section themes and chants for games.

Fun Themes

Into the Night

Vampires and werewolves are popular. If you’re having a game near Halloween or it’s a full moon night, consider using this as your inspiration. Many horror movies have used sports as an inspiration, and sports could take some inspiration from the genre too.

At the Club

Students may like a club-like vibe, especially if there is a live DJ or popular music playing.

Hall of Fame

Tribute international players and sports heroes by making it all about them!


“You’ll never walk alone!”

Lyrics from the song You’ll Never Walk Alone have become synonymous with sports. Particularly, as Liverpool FC’s theme song – but yes, you can use it (or choose your own song)!

“Go, team!”

This is one of the most popular chants out there, and you don’t have to do much to remember it. Classic and encouraging, it’s just what your team needs!

“Defence, attack, take it back!”

Many variations of this one exist. It’s based on team encouragement.

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